We are pleased to finally announce that many of our older titles are now available on Amazon Kindle. The titles include: By Kathleen Gear, Writing as Kathleen M. O’Neal AN ABYSS OF LIGHT TREASURE OF LIGHT REDEMPTION OF LIGHT By W. Michael Gear THE WARRIORS OF SPIDER THE WAY OF SPIDER THE WEB OF SPIDER REQUEIM FOR THE CONQUEROR RELIC OF EMPIRE COUNTERMEASURES STARSTRIKE THE ARTIFACT By W, Michael Gear and Kathleen O’Neal Gear DARK INHERITANCE RAISING ABEL These titles are all listed at $5.99 and can be downloaded to your Kindle. For those of you with Nook, our agent is still working with our good friends at Barnes & Noble to come up with a mutually agreeable contract. This is still a very new industry, and we’re all feeling our way along. We’ll let you know the minute anything breaks with Nook. Special note: You will not find the “Light” books under Kathleen O’Neal Gear. She was writing as Kathleen M. O’Neal. With regard to the Tor/Forge/Macmillan titles, we think we’ve finally come to an agreement after incredible negotiations. We thank Tom Doherty and Linda Quinton, our good friends, mentors, and excellent publishers at Tor/Forge, for cutting through the red tape. If any of you are thinking of publishing your writing, we couldn’t recommend a better house than Tor/Forge. They bought our first books twenty-five years ago! That we are still publishing with them is a measure of their professionalism and dedication to quality. Meanwhile, we hope that you enjoy the Spider trilogy, Light trilogy, Forbidden Borders trilogy, and our other titles available on Kindle! If you have any feedback, please let us know through the fan club! We’re looking forward to hearing from you.