Kathleen O'Neal Gear & W Michael Gear

Welcome to the online home of best selling authors Kathleen O'Neal Gear and W Michael Gear.

Monthly Archives: October 2012

New Findings on Kennwick Man!

When we wrote PEOPLE OF THE RAVEN, we based it upon the best archaeological evidence available–which was scanty, given the court case going on at the time. It’s great to see the anthropologists working with the Native peoples to present their findings and open a productive dialogue. http://seattletimes.com/html/localnews/2019387577_bones10m.html


Dear All: We just received our first copy of PEOPLE OF THE BLACK SUN. When we took it out of the box we were stunned and amazed. Until now, we thought the hardback of COYOTE SUMMER was the most attractive of our books. Seth Lerner does the art and design work at Tor/Forge, and we think he created magic here. We’d like to solicit your thoughts: Is PEOPLE OF THE BLACK SUN the best-looking Gear book ever?  


We’ve been honored to learn that Dr. Laura Scheiber will be teaching a course entitled North American Prehistory Through Fiction. Requiered reading for the course will include PEOPLE OF THE WOLF, PEOPLE OF THE RIVER, PEOPLE OF THE SILENCE, PEOPLE OF THE LONGHOUSE, COMING OF THE STORM, and THE VISITANT. Dr. Scheiber has graciously invited us to address the class, and we’re looking forward to a session with the students after they’ve had a chance to read, sythesize, and critcally dissect our work. While our books have been used in university courses before, to have an entire class dedicated to them is a true honor. For more information, contact the University of Indian at Bloomington, Indiana, Registration information is available through Dr. Scheiber at scheiber@indiana.edu.


Dear All: Just as PEOPLE OF THE BLACK SUN is published (October 16, 2012) we have signed two more contracts with Tor/Forge books. Has publishing ever changed? The first book contract we signed back in 1986 with DAW Books for the SPIDER trilogy was one piece of paper, front and back. And it was written in English. The new Macmillan contract is 36 pages of single-space, written in lawyerese. They’ve gotta stop paying their attorneys by the word count! The upshot is that we’re officially under contract for PEOPLE OF THE MORNING STAR and PEOPLE OF THE WINE DARK LAND. Both will be delivered in 2013, and we’ll post the pub dates as soon as we have them. (Yes, the fan club gets to hear first) PEOPLE OF THE MORNING STAR is a novel about the great city and empire of Cahokia. This is a political thriller, dealing with betrayal, murder, and more than a bit of insanity. (Who better for a serial killer than a psychopath?) Someone is hunting the rulers of Cahokia, and the death comes silently in the night. No one, not even the thieves can get a peaceful night’s sleep. PEOPLE OF THE WINE DARK LAND will be delivered in mid-summer. Recent research has expanded upon our understanding of the first Viking contacts with North America. It was more extensive than we thought–like for hundreds of years. Two very different world-views are about to clash. Myths and legends will twine around each other in the far northern mist.  

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