The Betrayal
There is an alternate story of the life of Jesus. It is a very human story, one that has been suppressed for nineteen centuries. The early Church fathers found the books that chronicled this story so menacing that they outlawed them, ordered them burned, and threatened anyone found copying them with death.
Based on actual documents recovered from archaeological sites in the Middle East, or respected repositories of ancient literature, like the Vatican library.
6 thoughts on “The Betrayal”
October 23, 2008 at 7:45 pm
I just finished this book. What an absorbing, interesting and eye-opening read! I found the footnotes as interesting as the actual book. It’s absolutely amazing the amount of “history” that was re-written to reflect what another thought it should. I am always searching for texts based on archaeological findings and would love to be able to read these ancient texts written in their original language. Being raised southern Baptist, I was blessed with a father who, while true to his faith, allowed me to explore and ask questions. Those questions have led me to find books such as this. Thank you!
October 25, 2008 at 12:49 pm
Just finished the book, Found most interesting and informitive. I have read some of the early works that you don’t find in the bible or a church and this book followed a lot of the things that I found in those books.
Thanks for a great book of knowledge.
December 3, 2008 at 3:19 am
Hi there I like your post “The Betrayal” so well that I like to ask you whether I should translate into German and linking back. Answer welcome. Greetings Kroatien
December 10, 2008 at 6:18 pm
I am interested in whether or not you are planning an audio version of The Betrayal? My husband loves your books and has read most of them, however, he has had a stroke and is now unable to read. He has found that audio books are OK, though, so I’ve been trying to find your books on audio – not an easy task to find CD format. At any rate, we are interested.
Thanks for all the great books!
Jeanne Arp
April 27, 2009 at 12:04 pm
Dear Gears:
I read The Betrayal with much absorption and great interest as it supports beliefs I have had for many, many years. I am what could possibly be referred to as a lifetime Comparative Religionist. I have explored and studied every religion known to mankind (or at least the ones I could find out about, with the exception of Appalachian Snake-Handlers — NOT my thing!). Having at one time been with the Jehovahs Witnesses (generally a crock, but they DID have some valuable insights into what went on at the council of Nicea The Nicene Council, and how what we (most Christians) believe to be the inspired and inerrant word of God was drastically changed, books thrown out, other rewritten or changed a great deal to support the agenda of Emperor Constantine and a lot of “men of God” (???) to support their own human agendas, hidden and known. I have been searching for more information, and I did,( and I do apologize for this), photocopy your bibliography for sources, as finding out information as to what was forbidden, banned, burned, etc. and where I can find what is left of the TRUTH, not the Churches’ version(s) of the truth. I have had some fantastic (for me) discussion, especially with the evangelistic, “born again” types about how the Bible has not been changed a “tittle or a jot” as one person put it, by getting out my various different Bibles, all different versions, except a Mormon one, but they don’t use the Bible anyway, they may suck you in with a free Bible, but it’s the book of Mormon from then on, and I lost (stupidly threw away) my copy of the Jehovah’s Witness version. But just reading one verse from all of those different Bibles blew away the evangelist. I don’t really want to destroy anyone’s belief in God or Christ, per se, I believe myself, but I’m not sure which of my beliefs are based on Truth, and which are based on indoctrination. That is what I consider my job in life, is to point out to people to “test it out” or do a “reality check”, each Bible is published by someone or group with an agenda, it was written by Human beings whose brains, despite how faithful and true they may be, are flawed and colored by their own “thing.” So even if we could believe that the Bible was done by “automatic writing” it still had to be filtered through many different men’s brains (I am assuming that the books in the accepted versions of the bible are all written, automatically inspired or not, by men and not women. It wouldn’t matter anyway, women’s brains are operating under the same restrictions as mentioned above about men’s brains. If anyone has info on what actually happened at the Nicene Council, and where I can find what was thrown out or banned, I would appreciate knowing. At last a book that deals with the possibility that what we THINK is the absolute TRUTH AND WORD OF GOD, may merely be some group of men’s, with power and control of multitudes in mind, decisions to CALL whatever the TRUTH, even if it had no basis in reality. Thanks again for a wonderful read and for the gift (again, I apologize for the copying without written permission) of the bibliography for further study. I loved it and have recommended it to both open-minded, and some very fundamentally closed minded people to read, knowing it will at least give them pause. If you publish other books like that I will be a faithful buyer and reader. Again, I apologize, but as I am into geneology, but not really into ancient history of Indians and early American archeology, I haven’t been a reader of your other books, which I know must be very well written, just not down my alley, so to speak. Thank you again, Mr. & Mrs. Gear, for a great read!
May 23, 2009 at 8:21 pm
I am not one to post on blogs, but I wanted to write to thank you for “The Betrayal”. I was thrilled to see authors I respect so much (from having read your “The People of …” series) writing about this subject. I read “The Betrayal” at Easter this year, and I was utterly fascinated and grateful. I have … nontraditional views of religion, God and of the Christian Bible and the life of Jesus. It was wonderful to see some of those views expressed in your book. Thank you for what must have been an tremendous amount of time spent in research and cross-research. I hope others find your books as thought provoking as I have.