Ken passed away on April 21, 2009. He’d been a friend for over twenty years, one of the most talented writers we’ve ever known, though his very creative science fiction stories never got the attention we thought they deserved. His novel, PAX DAKOTA, is one of our favorites. Ken was one of those rare people who come into your life and you know beyond a doubt that the world is better because of them. He was an optimist, thoughtful, and really fun to be around. He was also one of the bravest people we’ve known. He spent the past fifteen months on a TPN through a hickman line set in his chest twelve hours a day. When he knew it was time, he simply went off the TPN. He made the choice, not someone else. Eight days later, his spirit was free to wander all the wonderful realms he’d created over the years. We’re going to miss you, Ken.
Mike and Kathy
3 thoughts on “In Memory of Ken Rand”
May 14, 2009 at 10:20 am
II am so sorry to hear about Ken. He wrote very nicely. I want you both to know that you guys are my favorite authors of all time. I love all your books. Especially the ones based on Moundville although I haven’t been able to find them yet.I met you at the 2008 Native American Festival in Moundville. I am the one who made and gave Kathleen the silver feather earrings. I would love to hear from you guys. Thanks.
May 14, 2009 at 10:22 am
Sorry to hear about Ken. He was a great writer.
May 19, 2009 at 9:39 am
Hi Jan!
I love my silver feather earrings, and wear them often. I hope you are well!
Best Regards,