Dear All:
We’ve finished PEOPLE OF THE MORNING STAR. We just shipped the 160,000 word manuscript off to our editor at Tor/Forge. Writing this one was just plain fun. The research on the great site at Cahokia has come such a long way since we wrote PEOPLE OF THE RIVER back in 1991. Since that time, archaeologists have been amazed at the size and scope of the city in the 12th and 13th centuries. As authors we have been able to write about characters that could have existed nowhere else in prehistoric America. For all of you Dusty and Maureen fans, you’ll enjoy the modern forward. Dusty has an “encounter” with a film crew doing a show on ancient aliens. And, well, being Dusty, he has a most definite opinion about their “work.”
We don’t have a release date for the book yet, but expect it no earlier than December of this year, and more likely in 2014. As soon as we hear, we’ll post it here and in the fan club.
Like all of our novels, disparate data came together to answer one of the perplexing questions about Cahokia: Did they have writing? Our clues came from the Iroquois wampum belts which, contrary to popular belief, were not money. Actually they were records. Entire treaties, agreements, and speechs were recorded by a specific pattern of beads utilizing shapes, colors, and sizes to denote words.
Is this applicable to Cahokia? The evidence recovered from the excavation at Mound 72 is provocative, especially in the bead cache and the “Falcon” blanket under burials 13 and 14. From Fowler’s description, it sounds like wampum.
Writing at Cahokia will remain a hypothesis until tested by further research. But it sure looks possible to us. Wampum served as such reliable records they were admissible in early Colonial courts, and so persuasive that politicians went out of their way to have the belts destroyed. Our suspicion is that, like so much in eastern North America, wampum had its roots in Cahokia. It would explain how they were able to manage such a wide-spread empire.
February 27, 2013 at 12:59 pm
Hi, guys! It’s me – Pat – in case the initials fool you, LOL! I cannot tell you how much I’m looking forward to People of the Morning Star … I always enjoy your books, and I expect this one too will have a prominent place in my library. (I’m hoping it’ll happen in December; not sure I can hold my breath until 2014 …)
February 27, 2013 at 4:44 pm
Just wanted to say how very much I have enjoyed your books and wait patiently for the next new one to come out! They have provided me with so much adventure and historical facts on America’s early history that I otherwise may never have known.
You both are a gift to all of us who have a hunger to learn what life might have been like in that time period. Thank You!
March 9, 2013 at 5:36 am
Daar Mike and Kathleen,
Great news! I love your books, they are such a great mixture of fantasy, hitory and archeology.
Too bad it will take a while before it’s actually available to the public though, but I guess that’s just the way of the publishing buisines.
But I’m sure it’s worth the wait!
Kind regards,
Roy, The Netherlands
March 11, 2013 at 6:27 pm
Dear Roy:
Be patient. We’ll post the publishing release date on the blog and website as soon as we hear from the publisher. Give our best to Holland, it’s been too long since we’ve been there. Read in health!
March 11, 2013 at 6:34 pm
Karm: You are so very welcome. As long as readers like you continue to support us, we’ll keep writing.
March 11, 2013 at 6:36 pm
Dear Pat: As soon as we have a pub date we’ll post it on the website and in the fan club. Meanwhile we send all of our best wishes and hope sincerely that you’re getting snow on your side of the mountain. Be well, old friend and write with magic and grace!