We just received the latest BOOKLIST review for CRIES FROM THE LOST ISLAND, written by reviewer Cari Dubiel (February 1, 2020).
“Historian and prolific author Gear (Star Path, 2019) returns with a new standalone fantasy. Sixteen-year-old Halloran Stevens has spent his young life immersed in ancient history, growing up in a small Colorado town with fellow outcast Roberto and the beautiful, tormented Cleo, the reincarnation of Queen Cleopatra herself. Cleo’s greatest wish is to reunite with her love, Marcus Antonius. But before she can do this–by finding her own grave and placing a ceremonial dagger there–Cleo is mysterious killed, and Hal becomes plagued by visions of her. Cleo’s archaeologist uncle offers to take Hal and Roberto to Egypt, but will Hal be able to find Cleopatra’s grave and restore the dagger so Cleo can rest forever? As Egyptian and Roman ghosts and demons haunt the narrative from the first page, readers will not be quite sure what is true and what the characters are imagining. History-lovers will enjoy Hal’s incredible journey from outcast kid to artifact expert,” and “With a smart, funny teen protagonist, this story about being a hero while also not belonging to a popular crowd will appeal to YAs.”
In CRIES FROM THE LOST ISLAND, I got to present my own theory about the location of the lost graves of Antony and Cleopatra. And I had such fun with the teen protagonists! I hope you enjoy reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Best Wishes,

I’m especially delighted that BOOKLIST reviewed the book as a Young Adult (YA) novel, since that’s the audience I wrote it for.