The CSU Hall of Fame Awards–pics!
On February 28, 2015, Kathleen O’Neal Gear was inducted into the California State University Alumni Hall of Fame, the black-tie affair was held in Bakersfield, California. The Hall of Fame recognizes alumni whose careers have brought honor and distinction to the university. Kathy was recognized both for her contributions as an archaeologist and as an author.
We had a great time. The Alumni committee did an amazing job with the ceremony, and it was wonderful to see old and dear friends, Dr. Jackie Kegley and Dr. Stafford Betty. Also! Joining us for dinner were our friends Kat and Larry Martin, both excellent authors of romances and westerns. We were also celebrating that Kat’s latest book had just hit the New York Times bestseller list for the 4th week in a row! CONGRATULATIONS, KAT!