Kathleen O'Neal Gear & W Michael Gear

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Tag Archives: Maine

Did Viking explorers drop the Norse coin found in Maine? http://www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-other-artifacts/controversial-origins-maine-penny-norse-coin-america-020241

Viking Maine-PennyThis is another one of those fascinating archaeological mysteries.  This Norse penny dates to the reign of King Olaf III, between AD 1065-1080.  But it was found in an Native American archaeological site, the Goddard site in Maine, that dates to between AD 1180-1235.  How did the Norse penny get there?  Ah…that’s a good question!

Vikings in North America on bestseller lists!


We are so excited that our non-fiction article about Vikings in North America, to be released on April 21st, is already  #6 on the Amazon bestseller list for its category.  Thanks so much, everyone.  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00TDPZ56M?ref%5F=pd%5Fsim%5Fb%5F2&refRID=1T94B4841YZSBS14571D&pldnSite=1



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