Kathleen O'Neal Gear & W Michael Gear

Welcome to the online home of best selling authors Kathleen O'Neal Gear and W Michael Gear.


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Our publisher is running a giveaway of 15 hardcovers of PEOPLE OF THE SONGTRAIL at Goodreads.com.  Register for a chance to win!  

Vikings in North America on bestseller lists!


We are so excited that our non-fiction article about Vikings in North America, to be released on April 21st, is already  #6 on the Amazon bestseller list for its category.  Thanks so much, everyone.  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00TDPZ56M?ref%5F=pd%5Fsim%5Fb%5F2&refRID=1T94B4841YZSBS14571D&pldnSite=1



An Inuit perspective on climate change http://www.newspaper.indianlife.org/story/2015/01/05/news/earth-has-shifted-inuit-elders-issue-warning-to-nasa-and-the-world/582.html


The Inuit perspective on climate change is similar to the hypotheses developed by Milutin Milankovich in the early 20th century.  He said that the earth spun in space like a top winding down, which meant that it “wobbled.”  


Preview! PEOPLE OF THE SONGTRAIL, coming in May…

 10671291_10204899371671375_49313415769689754_n copy 2Here’s a taste!



The sound of ice thudding and crunching against the ship’s hull wakes me, and the pain is stunning.

…My hands are chained together, so I lift them as one and push tangles of ivory hair out of my eyes. It must be night. During the day, light seeps into the hold and turns it gray. Now all is blackness. My world is little more than stench and sound. People breathe all around me. Some breathe deeply, still asleep. Others pant in pain. Near the prow, a man sobs. We’ve spent eleven days together in this dark sewer, listening to rumors fly. Some think we’re going to a slave market in Iceland…

Young Thyra’s journey from Denmark to North America is not an easy one.


Violence against women is a very old thing…

New e-short story coming!

New e-short story coming!  MARCH 24, 2015.

As warfare escalates around the world it’s probably wise to remember that violence against women is a very old thing.  It is so stunning in the archaeological record that we’ve written about it often.  For those of you interested in this subject, here are a couple of articles you might find interesting.


Shannon and River

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