People Books

People of the River

  • Author: Kathleen O'Neal Gear, W. Michael Gear
  • Release Date: August 1992
  • Publisher: Visit Website
People of the River

The gripping new saga from these best-selling novelists takes us to the Mississippi valley, and to the trading people now known as the Mound Builders. Blending expert knowledge of the past with passion, tragedy, and triumph, People of the River takes us to the capital, Cahokia, where Tharon is chief of a troubled people. The corn crop is failing again, and even the warriors - including Badgertail, the war leader, and Locust, the warrior woman he cannot have - are disgusted by Tharon's lust for Tribute from Cahokia's many subject villages. Worst of all, the gods have closed the Underworld to Cahokia's seers, and even the most powerful seer, beautiful Nightshade, cannot break the silence. As long as the gods will not say what must be done, there is no hope for the people …Unless hope lies in the young girl Lichen, far away in the rock shelter of crazy old Wanderer, learning to Dream of Power.…

Written with all the fiery immediacy the Gears' millions of readers have come to expect, People of the River transports us to this vivid world - our world as it once was.


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